End of the chapter of Benin

Publié le : 30 août 2015

By these few words, sr Nadine, prioress of the Vicariate of Benin concluded their Chapter...

Bless the Lord, O my soul ! Never forget any of God’s blessings.

Dear sisters,

With apprehension, but with confidence, we have just written a new page in the history of the CRSD, present in Benin for 46 years.

The fourth chapter of the vicariate, carefully prepared by all, is already producing the buds of what will become its best fruits. We have shared our aspirations for authentic Dominican life, deeply rooted in Christ, our concern for community witnessing in our missions, and our desire to grow in trust and sisterly communion, as Pope Francis invites us to do during this year of consecrated life.

Called by Christ to live his lifestyle, we are sent to carry hope, faith, and love to the world. During this 8th centenary of the birth of the Order of Preachers, may we respond to Dominic’s invitation to Praise, to Bless, and to Preach, with mercy and in truth.

May God, who makes all things new through the breath of the Spirit, continue to accomplish marvels in us and in our midst, now, and all along this mandate.

And so, like Dominic, I say again to each of you, “Go forth and preach,” strengthened by the promise of the Lord to St. Catherine of Siena : “Become a capacity and I will make myself a torrent.”

Sister Nadine Degila, op
Prioress of the Vicariate of Benin

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