Benin: First Professions - September 19, 2015 - Parakou

Publicado el : 21 de septiembre de 2015

This Saturday, September 19, the Vicariate of Benin increased thanks to the religious profession of our two sisters, Eugénie Edoh and Alida Estelle Agoundote.

The celebration took place at the novitiate house in Parakou. With members of their families, friends, parishioners, and sisters of the vicariate present, our sisters pronounced their vows, laying their hands in those of Sister Nadine Degila, op, Prioress of the vicariate, who represented Sister Carmen Lanao, General Prioress of the Congregation. Fr. Clement Ahouandjinou, op, celebrated the Eucharist, with ten priests concelebrating.
The newly professed sisters had chosen the texts for the liturgy on Saturday, September 19, 2015, and Fr. Clement, op, in his homily, called their attention to both the prodigality of the sower and the responsibility of the land that receives the sowing: “the initiative is God’s who chooses to go out and sow, but the responsibility for what happens afterwards always implicates the human being…”. In addition, he reminded them of the pillars that Dominican religious life, fruitful for eight hundred years, offered them—prayer, communal life, apostolic life—to help them accomplish what Christ was asking of them. Finally, Fr. Clement invited out sisters to become the persons God wanted them to be: to become good soil. To do this, they were to “recognize that they are the objects of God’s care, and that God sees our life as a field to make fruitful.”