Saint Dominic, Preacher of God’s Eternal Word

Published : 8 August 2015

In his wake, let us pray as he did. He prayed. He heard the Word and allowed it to be born in him. The joy that he experienced within himself led him to Praise, to Bless, and to go forth to Preach this Word.
“It is amazing how our ideas change when we pray them,” people say. To pray one’s ideas means to reconsider them in the light of God, in God’s presence. Our own views, yes, how they would change and would resemble the truth of God more closely if we knew how to pray all things in this way…. (from Confidence for the Future, Vincent de Couesnongle)
We also are joyful, a joy that springs from our sisterly sharing here, at the Ongoing Formation session in Avila. It is the joy of a Word that is received, lived, and shared freely, just as we received it.
Let us bless the Lord with Dominic

Sr. Carmen Lanao, General Prioress

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