8th. February - The international day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking “a light against trafficking”

Publié le : 30 janvier 2019

Together against human trafficking

The IDPHT was first celebrated on the 8th. February 2015 at the desire of Pope Francis, who in 2014, requested the International Union of Superiors and of Superiors General (UISG / USG) to promote this day. The Secretary of State, responding to requests made by religious, who had been working for years to combat trafficking, gave approval to organizations that for years have celebrated Anti-Trafficking Day on this date.
From the beginning Talitha Kum, the worldwide network of consecrated life committed against trafficking in persons (UISG), was responsible for the coordination of the group of partner organizations that prepare the day internationally. The organizations are : Congregation for Consecrated Life, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, the Vatican Academy of Sciences, Caritas International (CI), the International Union of Catholic Women Associations (WUCWO) and the workgroup against trafficking of the Committee for Justice and peace of the UISG / USG (ATWG).

Vigil of prayer 2019 in English DOWNLOAD