Holy Easter !

Publié le : 17 avril 2019

« For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh. » Ephesians 2:14

Who will roll away the stone for us ? That’s the question that the women going to Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning were asking.

It’s the question we ask ourselves when we take the time to stop and look at the world around us : all these stones that people erect into ramparts that wall off, paralyze, and crush, or stones that they throw at others to wound and destroy.

On Easter morning, the inconceivable appears : this stone has failed to perform its task : it was not able to retain death. The stone is rolled away.
The one who was dead is alive.

On Easter morning, the disciples joyfully meet the risen one.

As those who inherit the rolled-away stone, we are to witness that the impossible is possible, that life is stronger than death.

Christ is risen ! Through him and with him everything is saved and gifted with new life.