Merry Christmas « Emmanuel, God with us » !
« In the beginning was the Word and the Word was Love made flesh dwelling within us, among us, around us and through us. »
May we be God’s Word of Love
Vibrant and alive in our world today
Bearing Gifts of Peace, Joy,
Love and Hope.
May our hearts be open to recognize
God continuing to do something new in us here and now.
Christmas Blessing Prayer
May there be harmony in all our relationships.
May we give and receive love generously.
May each person who comes into our life be greeted as Christ.
May we daily open the gift of our life and be grateful for the
hidden treasures it contains.
May the coming year be one of good health in mind, body and
May we keep our eyes on the Word who dwells within us and
may His Light guide and direct us all the days of our life.
May we experience God’s peace and bring this peace into our
May the blessings of the Christmas Season abound and shine in our life !